The PONL Program & Education Committee is pleased to announce that our conference keynote speaker, Dr. Peter Buerhaus, has agreed to present two webinars this October. Each webinar will be 75 minutes in length and offer 1.25 CNEs.
Dr. Buerhaus is an internationally recognized nurse researcher who has published nearly 150 peer-reviewed articles on the nursing workforce. He was the lead author of the book "The Future of Nursing: Trends, Data, and Implications," has conducted over 50 studies of the nursing workforce, and in 2010, was appointed to Chair the National Health Workforce Commission, created by the Affordable Care Act to advise Congress and the Administration on national health workforce policy and serve as a resource to the states.

Registration Fees & Details
PONL Member - $25
Member Group Rate* - $35
Non-PONL Member** - $125
Registration fees include access to both webinars.
*Member Group Rate: Due to the limited number of individual logins on our platform and observance of COVID-19 precautions, we have made an update to our group registration.
As originally announced, our group registration option is open to those who are able to view the webinar together in one location. For those groups who are working remote or, are limited in the number of people who can meet in-person, we have made a few updates below.
- Only one person needs to register under the group rate – they will receive the webinar login information prior to the webinar. We ask that you DO NOT send this information to individuals in your organization as there are limited individual logins and we would like to accommodate all those who have registered and paid.
- Each webinar will be recorded, and the recording made available for 30 days after each webinar. If your group is remote, or you would like for more people to view than what is allowed in-person, we will distribute the recording link to the main group registrant after the webinar. You can then distribute this link to your organization to view the webinar recording.
- The main group registrant will also receive the evaluation link after the webinar. YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE TO DISTRIBUTE THE EVALUATION LINK to any attendees that view the webinar or recording. Attendees must complete the evaluation to receive the contact hour certificate.
**Non-PONL Members will receive one-year PONL membership with their registration.

Webinar Information
Building on Two Decades of Strengths to Create the 21st Century Nursing Workforce Thursday, Oct.1, 2:00 p.m.-3:15 p.m. ET
Dr. Buerhaus will discuss 10 strengths within the nursing workforce that provide the foundation for the profession to make enormous gains in creating a 21st century nursing workforce that is more responsive to society’s growing health care needs. He will also provide a vision of what a 21st century workforce would look and act like.
Overcoming Challenges in Creating the 21st Century Nursing Workforce
Thursday, Oct. 22, 2:00 p.m.-3:15 p.m. ET
Dr. Buerhaus will identify and briefly describe 10 challenges facing nurses, CNOs, hospitals and other health care delivery systems over the decade. He will show new data on RN and APN workforce supply growth through 2030, and data on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the nursing workforce. Finally, he will offer provide recommendations for nursing leaders, policy makers, and nursing educators on how to overcome challenges that will build through 2030.