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The Voice of Nursing Leadership in Pennsylvania

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PONL President, Carol Gioia, Annual Business Meeting Slides Available

If you missed the Annual Business Meeting or would like to review the slides, please see the pdf version of Carol Gioia's presentation here.

PONL Annual nursing leadership CONFERENCE

The 2024 Annual Nursing Leadership Conference was a resounding success! With a record high 277 attendees, and a record high of 47 sponsors and exhibitors, we could not have asked for a better turnout.

We had rave reviews for our speakers this year and can't wait to get the rest of the lineup for next year, when we will welcome back Rose Sherman! Mark your calendars and be sure to join us next year, back at the Harrisburg Hilton Hotel on October 23-24, 2025!

Interested in sponsoring? 

2025 Prospectus coming soon! Email with early questions and suggestions!

The Pennsylvania Organization of Nurse Leaders (PONL) is a non-profit, professional membership society
that promotes excellence in the practice of nursing administration.
Our primary mission is to be a vehicle for networking and information exchange among our members.

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Within this website, you will find information for the state group as well as the web pages for each of PONL's five regions.

Click on the links below, to access the region's web page. 

          NWPONL     SWPONL     PERONL     SCONL     SEPONL




PONL is proud to offer its members exclusive partnerships with institutions across the Commonwealth to assist in advancing their knowledge and careers. We have partnered with various universities to bring our members benefits, such as tuition discounts, etc. 

View the Benefits Provided by our
PONL Partners

exclusive partnerships with institutions across the Commonwealth to assist in advancing their knowledge and careers.

© Pennsylvania Organization of Nurse Leaders

461 Cochran Road #246

Pittsburgh, PA 15228


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